To all the Mama's…. You Are Not Alone! I see you!
With the kiddos returning to school in the next week or so for most of us, I thought it was timely to publish a blog. A simple reminder for all of us Mama’s that are overwhelmed with the chaos and emotions. The past few days have been nothing like I expected; they've truly been a whirlwind. But let's be honest—I'm not alone in this, and neither are you. We all face challenges that are tough to admit, and many of us avoid those difficult conversations. It’s human nature. I know you're going through similar struggles, and it's time we start having the hard conversations and being honest with ourselves and others. It’s time we stop hiding behind the facade of who we think everyone wants us to be and start being who God designed us to be. We are warriors in our own ways. We are fighting battles that no one may know about, and we are all just doing our best to survive. Let’s start by lifting each other up instead breaking them down. As moms, we’re all on the same j...