Exercise, (Part I)....April 10, 2010

Seems like my life story, of late, is that I'm always running and often I find myself "running late"... it's like a viscous circle that's never-ending. I work 60 to 70 hours a week and try to keep up with two young horses, maintain a house and marriage and it often leaves very little time for "Me time". I try to make time each morning to sit alone with God so I get up at 4:15 am.

What I'm finding is that I'm not taking very good care of me...It seems I'm always doing for others and "Me" gets put on the back burner A LOT. I had been working out every day and had lost almost 40 lbs and was feeling great and then BAM...life hit! I started working more and more hours each week and the winter set in and well, to say the least so did the extra around the mid-section...

It's now been almost 6 months since my last work-out and I can not only see the difference but I feel it too... I get tired so easy and my riding is suffering because of the extra pounds... it got me to thinking... it's like "baggage and problems" we carry around daily. They weigh us down and cause us to suffer emotionally, not getting the most out of our day.

Even though I spend time with God each morning, is it really "quality time"? See, just spending time reading my Bible or saying a quick prayer is a far cry from "Quality Time with God"!
Same way with our family. If we don't invest in our family it too will get bogged down and suffer.

My husband and I have been married almost 17 years and trust me it has had it's ups and downs; but through every storm we've found a way and managed to hang in there even when our sails get broke. We mend/repair what we find favor in - but what about the things we don't find favor in?

Every day we need to exercise our quality time with God first then devote quality time to our families, but mostly we need to start by taking care of ourselves.

Psalms 36:9 For with You is the fountain of life; In Your light we see light.

Invest your time wisely and let God take your troubles...For with him there is light at the end of the tunnel...

God Bless,


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