The Power of Prayer
Have you ever really stopped and thought about the results or outcome of the power of prayer? I have been a believer my whole life. From as far back as I can remember, I can still hear my Granny Parsons and Granny Story praying.... the sounds of a godly woman praying for their family or for God's purpose and direction for their lives is absolutely the sweetest sound ever.
Praying is great but Prayer alone is not enough. You have to have FAITH that your prayers are being heard, and as hard as it may be it is so important that we pray for "God's will!" It is easy to pray for what we want but I will never forget what a Pastor said in church one time. He said, "you can tell God all day long what you want, but you have to ask him for what you want, pray for his will, and accept what he gives you; otherwise you will never see the prayers answered." That's really true.
I want to share something really special that's happened in my life in the last couple of weeks. Literally, I have seen the direct results of my prayers answered and that is an amazing feeling. Especially to consider it was not that long ago that I swore God had turned a deaf ear to me and could not hear me at all. But oh how different things are today. Since I've really been trying to give my all to God I have seen direct results of my prayers on two different occasions.
I had two friends ask for my help to pray for something or a situation for them. I gave them my word that I would take their requests to God in prayer and I did; but I also prayed for God's will.
I had a friend that had an injured horse. I won't go into exact details but I will share with you that he was undergoing major surgery the next day. I hit my knees and prayed for God to work a miracle (if it's his will) and to please help my friend know that the prayer was answered so she would know God was amazing and heard our plea. The next evening I received a text from her that the surgery went okay but it was too bad when they got in, so they did what they could and sewed him up. I could tell she was discouraged. I replied and told her to keep her faith and that to trust God. I tried to reassure her that He still worked in amazing ways and our timing wasn't always his timing. Let me tell you, I went to praying even harder!
I knew there was nothing too big for my God. And that is exactly how I prayed to God. (I often talk to him as if he's my friend sitting across the room from me; because he is my best friend).
A few days later I sent her an email and asked how her horse was and this was her reply, "Actually it looks really good, we were gone Fri, Sat and Sun; came home late Sunday night and I couldn't believe how much better it is! God must be listening! I found myself just staring at it this morning thinking WOW. Keep praying because its working. Thanks."
Can I just tell you - tears trickled down my cheeks as I gave praise and thanks to God for answering my prayers. You see, to some you may think it's just a horse, but to us he's a friend or family member! Regardless, it was an answered prayer! To this day I'm still praying for a full recovery - but mostly I'm praying for my friend!
On May 10th, another prayer request from a dear friend that is trying to adopt a baby. This isn't just any baby, it's a 5 mo old baby with a club foot and spina bifida. Some of you may have seen this prayer request on my facebook wall. That night I immediately began praying and almost immediately I had other friends that began to post they would pray too. Which was awesome! I began to seek God for guidance on how to pray. I did not want to just pray they would successfully adopt the baby but I felt like God was tugging at me to pray a different way. Maybe it's because I know his wife has MS (Multiple Sclerosis) and in my heart, maybe my prayers were really for her.
Just three short days later they posted the birth Mom said yes. I didn't stop praying because my friend (with MS) also posted that she was still not convinced. I kept praying. But the whole time I wasn't praying just for the adoption but praying for "God's will!" Today, May 15th (5 days later) they reported they are planning to bring the baby home in just a few weeks. Prayers were answered again!!
If we're sincere in our prayers and we go to God with a clean heart and ask - ye shall receive. It may not always be as perfect as the two answered prayers above, but it will be perfect if it's God's will!!
I'm FAR from perfect! Trust me, I'm my own worst critic, and I know I have many flaws, but I also know that every day I try to be the very best person I can be; and I always try to give more than I take. That's basically the motto I live by. Do I make mistakes? Absolutely. Will I continue to make mistakes? Most definitely. However, the one thing that is most certain is, I will always try to do better than the day before and try not to make the same mistakes twice.
I always start and end my day with prayer...and you know...rarely do I ask for anything for myself...but rest assured....I'm praying for you!
2 Chronicles 7:14 If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
Matthew 6:8 ....for your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him.
One last thought...A family that prays a family that stays together!
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