Purpose of Rain and Storms....
It's been quiet a while since I've posted anything here on my blog, as some of you may have noticed. It's been quiet a busy few weeks to say the least. I think about posting something daily and then life just simply gets busy and ... well, then another day goes by without a post - but certainly not without adventure and for anyone that follows me on Facebook knows that.
Last night I was having a talk with the Lord and asked him what I should write about. I can not tell you he answered, as sometimes I feel he is silent; but I can tell you when I woke to the thunderstorms this morning it was like he spoke saying, "It's the former rain, the latter rain together, and I'm not talking about the weather, its the holy ghost rain and it's falling down on me". For those of you that don't know, that's a spiritual song and one of my favorites. We used to sing it in church all the time.
When I started this Blog, I did it because I felt like God was calling me to share the gift he gave me (the gift of writing; okay, really the gift of gab, it just sounded better to say 'writing')! Truly, I want each post to touch someone, to reach out and provide help and/or a hug to someone in need. I want each writing to be from God. I cannot guarantee that. Although I pray about each Blog before I post it I simply just leave it up to God to do the rest!
It seems that I have a lot of friends going through some really hard times of late, whether it's loss of a loved one, spiritually, health issues, financially or marriage problems. This morning when I woke to the rain pelting on the windows of our bedroom, the thought hit me; "You cannot get to a rainbow without the rains."
Yesterday I posted on Facebook, "With all of the tests & trials you go through, remember that the word TEST is in TESTIMONY, so as you go through your tests, it will become your testimony. God will never drop you further than your knees." This morning I posted, "FAITH ~ F.antastic A.dventures I.n T.rusting H.im. Faith is daring the heart to go beyond what the eyes can see and the mind can understand! God is in control!"
Then I woke to the rain and the feeling that I needed to write about the storms that are passing through. See the key word is "passing through". God tells us, "This too shall pass!" Hosea 6:3 tells us, "Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the LORD; his going forth is prepared as the morning, and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth."
Do you see a pattern here - Test, Testimony, Faith, Rain (storms) and rainbow (gift)? The Bible tells us to "walk by faith, not by sight" (2 Corinthians 5:7) Sometimes that seems like the hardest thing to do - almost like the blind leading the blind. But, if we'll have FAITH that he is walking with us and trust that he will see us through the storms, then we'll enjoy the beauty of the rainbow afterwards.
See, there is a purpose for the rain and storms. Often we cannot see it while we're in the midst of the storm and sometimes the tests/trials seem unbearable; but if we hold steadfast to trusting God then the rewards are great, and the gift of God is greater. We just have to keep our FAITH, stay strong in the Lord and trust Him that we're not alone! He's been there the whole time just waiting for you! All you have to do is to ask and look to him for guidance and direction to get through the storm so he can take you to your rainbow.
I hope you all have a blessed day!
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