All my life I have had a tremendous compassion for people hurting. Maybe it is because I have had my share of trouble too. When you have suffered, it makes you able to relate to other people's pain.
God has blessed me with wonderful parents, siblings, husband, nieces and nephews, and friends; and yet I still lack the ability to be a Mother, which is something I so desire to be. I may not fully understand the reason why, and maybe I never will, but I have the faith to know that I serve a God that holds tomorrow and knows the future; therefore I have to trust that all good things come to those who wait. You have to trust God that he has something bigger and better in your future than your own desires, regardless of how hard it is.
As a friend, I have found that I have a ministry of hugs. To some it may sound silly and maybe it's not much to others, but to those in need at that time, a hug is like a gift - surrounding someone else with love and kindness is worth more than some realize. It's a simple act, and costs nothing, but when wrapped with sincerity it is priceless! I may not be able to solve the world's problems or change how people treat each other, or take away their pain, but I can provide a hug! I can also let you know that a hug and a smile go a long ways to a person who is hurting.
I am trying to learn that everything happens for a reason and not spend so much time dwelling on the negative, but instead to focus on the positive. I also know that the touch of the Master's hand sets us free. The devil will try to destroy all that is pure and precious to us, but if we trust the Lord to guide us and deliver us then we will prevail.
I can tell you that regardless of what you're going through, what your past holds, or what you feel you have lost, He will give it back to you. If you will place your trust and faith in the Lord then you can lift your hands in praise. No matter what you have suffered, you can hold up your head. Regardless of who has hurt you, hold your head high. Forget how many times you've been wronged, what you have lost, hold your head high. You cannot change where you have been, but you can change where you are going!!
You are a survivor. Celebrate your survival. Instead of agonizing over your tragedies, celebrate your victory and thank God you made it. Then, after you have had some time to heal, use your experiences to help bring healing to someone else. Perhaps you, too, will have a ministry of hugs! Maybe even more!
Ezekiel 36:26-27 I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh! I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will keep My judgments and do them.
So, the next time you see someone in need....reach out and HUG them...it could be just what they need!
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