Welcome Spring!!
Spring is just around the corner, literally! With Spring comes outside work, rodeo's, barrel races, etc. For those of us with horses (and a full-time job) it means very little time inside; which is just what we need to cure this "cabin fever" coming out of winter! With this also comes "change," whether it is just for a season, there is inevitably change coming!
I find myself saying this more and more as I get older..."WOW, I cannot believe how fast time flies!" It is hard to believe we are already in the 3rd month of the year 2011. It almost feels as though one blinks and the month simply fades away without notice or hesitation.
The first two months have brought sadness with the loss of a family member, joy with the birth of a family member, a scare of a possible illness for another family member. It's really amazing at what we triumph through if you just stop and think about it!
I try to make it a habit to reflect on my day, everyday. Reflect on lessons learned, things I could have done differently, or better; things I should not have done at all, and opportunities I might have let slip by me for fear of the outcome. Yet last night as I was in my "reflection mode" I felt as if God was pulling on my heart strings and reminding me of all the blessings he has bestowed upon my life.
Something I feel is certain, where ever you are, whatever you're doing, you're not alone! God doesn't call those that are equipped, He equips those He calls.
Psalm 112:1-2 I will lift up my eyes to the hills -- from whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.
Change is not always an enemy. It can be God's way of saying enough is enough. If you can remain flexible and face the changes of life with the assurance of God, you will win! It is God's desire to make you a wise one - not one full of doubt, sadness and confusion. Turn to him for complete love, assurance and know that everyday you walk with him, you cross the finish line a winner!
As I journey through this world and life he has provided for me, one thing is for certain, I am not alone! For that I am very grateful! Regardless of the challenges I may face, I always know that I face them with a friend, savior and loved one - Jesus! Most importantly, I face them with family!
Get up every morning and throw aside the curtain of doubt. Brush past the foggy films that would cloud your eyes from seeing what is right in front of you and embrace expectancy. It is the breaking of a new day. It is the establishing of fresh options!
Have a blessed day!
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