Baby Alexis Update (1-19-2012)
Dear Family & Friends,
I have no clue what I was thinking, or how it even happened, but we managed to leave the appointment today without one single picture; thus the reason for the generic picture for the blog. (Geeze!) Oh well, the good thing is that Baby Alexis is doing well and has gained another 5 oz in just a week and had a healthy heart beat!! (Thank God) The sonograms are getting fun now because they are showing her growing and in full view - today her little knees were closed (great sign hopefully she'll be a modest one) (big smile). She's absolutely beautiful!
Our little Bridgette (who is also very beautiful) has moved to the side a bit to give Alexis more room to grow. The fetal specialist says everything looks great (considering the circumstances). We also talked more about future appointments and on-going monitoring & testing to ensure that Alexis and I will maintain a healthy pregnancy throughout the duration. So far we're both doing great! I'm tired but I think a lot of that is simply mental exhaustion. We also discussed the fact that typically with twins (even with one deceased) the body will more than likely go into early labor and he said he would not be surprised if we went as early as 34 or 35 weeks. That's just 6 weeks away... kind of scary yet exciting all the same. We'll know more at our next appointment with the OB/Gyn on Monday - but we literally are just day-by-day on the due date. Naturally, we want to get to at least 37 weeks but as of tomorrow Alexis could survive outside of the womb if she had to. The good news is that the baby shower is scheduled for Feb 4th - and I'm praying they don't have it without me! :) But we do have her room ready for her arrival so we're ready whenever she is.
As always, we'll continue to keep you updated as we know more, and all we ask is that you please continue to keep us in your prayers.
"We prayed for this child and the Lord has granted us what we asked of Him" (1 Samuel 1:27)
Ryan, Candye, Alexis & Bridgette
That is wonderful news that Alexis is doing well and that her sister is looking out for her, and taking care of her with the good lords help!!!!