Dear Family & Friends,
It has only been a couple of days since my last blog, but it certainly feels as if it's been a week as so much has happened. Little Alexis was moved into a regular crib yesterday, which was yet another huge stride. It is awesome to see her out from under the lamps and more paraphernalia removed so she is able to start this new life on her own. I know it seems as if I only post about all of the wonderful things, but I will not lie - it is extremely taxing and very scary for me, and some days I feel as if I am running in circles; but she is really doing very well considering the circumstances. We have obstacles to overcome with her being so early but we also have so much to be thankful for.
Yes, as you can tell by all the pictures... I am trying to document everything. From strides in her health-care to the family that has been able to hold her. I want to try and capture as much as I can for her so she can look back and see just how much support she had/has. I have always heard people make statements such as, "When they're your own -- you'll think they're the most beautiful thing even if they're not". I used to laugh and say - "not me... I'll admit if my children are ugly"... yeah right! I definitely think my baby girls are THE MOST beautiful girls in the world and I doubt anyone could dispute it... (lol - true words from a new mother)
As you can see -- I'm spending all of my time with her and cannot stand to leave for even sleep; however, I am making it a point to step away long enough to eat and (by force) sleep. (big smile). I will not tell you it has been easy and chipper the last seven (7) days because that would be a big lie. However, I will tell you that God is good and he continues to give me what I need and to show his mercy and grace daily in our Angel. She is a preemie so she has her own struggles, but every day that I look around and see all of the other children in NICU that are struggling and fighting for their lives I cannot help but weep for them too and pray for God's healing touch on their little lives too. It certainly can put things in perspective and give you a reason to be so grateful for all that we are blessed with - even if we cannot bring her home yet at least we can see the light at the end of the tunnel....that's a lot more than some that have been there for months on end fighting and praying.
As you can tell, Daddy is not afraid of the dirty diapers... He's going to rock as a Dad!!
I'm very sorry that I have not been able to keep up with emails, texts and return some calls throughout the day. When I'm in the NICU unit our cell phones are not allowed but they typically do not say anything about limited texts so I'm trying to be good (and for those of you that know me.... know that's a challenge... smile).
As always, I'll try to keep you updated as we have progress, and all we ask is that you please continue to keep us in your prayers.
In You, Lord my God, I put my trust (Psalm 25:1)
Ryan, Candye & Alexis (& Bridgette, RIP 1/4/12)
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