Family Update - March 29, 2012
Dear Family & Friends,
Today proved to be yet another amazing day! Actually, this has been quiet an amazing week. We have had so many "firsts" and often I have to just sit and cry as I think about how blessed we are and that this is reality not just a dream anymore.
As reported earlier in the week, Alexis was released to come home from NICU Sunday (3/25) and yesterday (3/28) she had her first set of professional photo's taken, then today (3/29) she had her first doctor's appointment today with our family doctor. He was in awe and so excited to meet her for the first time. She received a great check up and has grown tremendously. She now weighs 5lbs 4ozs and has grown a 3/4' in length (now 18 1/4"). She is still in the lower 5th percentile on the growth charts but with gains like this she will not be there long.
I would love to report that every day gets easier since we buried our precious Bridgette, but that would be a lie. I have faith that it will get easier, but right now I am still dealing with such raw emotions as this is only day 12 since we laid her to rest and it simply seems like it was just yesterday. I just keep reminding myself "....the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh, Blessed be the name of the Lord" (Job 1:21). But I am also reminded that the Lord blessed Job beyond measure because he stayed faithful to Him - "As you know, we consider blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job's perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy." (James 5:11) I believe that everything happens for a reason and I strongly believe that because we have stayed faithful (even through the trials & losses) that is why God has blessed us with such a bundle of joy - Alexis Elaine. When we met with the doctor today (for Alexis' follow-up appointment) there was an intern present with him, it was touching to see our doctor give the student an overview of our history. You could hear the passion as he told our left me in awe to just listen. I think because I am the one that is always "telling" the story so to hear it replayed back was touching.
I firmly believe that our little Alexis is going to touch many people's lives. I've said it before... but I really think it's time to start writing that book... now if only I could get that financial break-through so I could be a stay-at-home mom and writer it would certainly make it easier....(big smiles)!
As always, we will continue to keep you updated and all we ask is that you simply keep us in your prayers.
"With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26
Ryan, Candye, Alexis (& Bridgette 1/4/12)
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