New Chapter - Family Update 26March2012
Dear Family & Friends.....
And so the story continues.....
There's so much to document since our last blog. Ironically, today was originally the day we were scheduled to have the c-section; instead this is the first full day we have spent with our little girl in our home. Just amazing and still in awe - it's hard to believe even though we can see her. We were released from NICU Sunday (3/25/12), which marked a full day of "firsts" for our family. Our little girl took her first elevator ride yesterday, she took her first car ride in Daddy's truck, and we brought our little Princess home to start our new family and life together.
As you can tell, she had no problems sleeping her first night at home. She is sleeping in the same bassinet that her Daddy slept in as a baby - which I think is so neat. (Thanks Grammy for keeping it for all of these years). We feel so blessed because she is such a happy baby and only fusses or cries when she has the typical baby issues (a dirty/wet diaper or is hungry); otherwise she is so good and smiles or sleeps the rest of the time.
Due to the fact that she was born so early (34 weeks, 4 days) the doctor has advised us that it is in her best interest to not have visitors for a while. They recommend at least waiting until she would have been 39 weeks gestation; which is in two weeks. We are going to adhere to that timeline as we feel it is in the best interest of our little girl. When we look at her it is so hard to believe that she is technically supposed to still be in my belly (well, actually was supposed to be delivered today) because she looks so full-term. (I say that not because I know what full-term is supposed to look like, but because that's what the doctor's all said). Still, she is perfect in our eyes.
I had a post-delivery appointment today and as I waited in the room to see my OB/GYN I reflected on the last time I was there. It was such a scary day - one that will forever be embedded in my memory. It was funny how I could overhear our doctor telling the lady in the next room that she would go to weekly appointments starting next week. It just brought back a flood of emotions knowing that it seemed like just yesterday she was telling me the same thing. I often wonder why we had to deliver so early and go through all we've been through; but just as the thoughts entered my mind - they escaped just as fast as I was comforted by the facts that the early delivery brought us many new friends from the hospital and relationships we will forever cherish, and blessings beyond measure; even with the burial of our precious Bridgette.
In a nutshell, I can tell you - this is just the beginning and the best is yet to come....
You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you. (John 15:16)
As always, we'll continue to keep you updated, and all we ask is that you please continue to keep us in your prayers.
Ryan, Candye, Alexis (& Bridgette, RIP 1/4/12)
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