Never Give Up.....

Dear Family & Friends,

Who knew life could be so wonderful!! All these years I just thought my life was grand; little did I know the best was yet to come.....

Alexis brings us more joy and fulfillment than I could ever fathom or even try to describe using the English language. It just is not possible. She is such a blessing and amazing!

Since my last blog, we have had many "firsts"..... first church service, wedding, funeral, birthday party, road trip & evading a flurry of tornado's... she's been quiet the busy little girl. But the best of all... the first most embarrassing moment. Yes, that's right..... I said embarrassing. We were at a funeral and she belched so loud it would have startled any bugler! I wanted to hide. Instead, I simply ran off & prayed I wouldn't make matters worse, she didn't do it just once, but twice. :(

That leads me to the purpose for today's blog. "Never Give Up"

I almost gave up hope that I would ever be a Mom. I honestly thought it was time to hang up the dream, face (what I thought was my reality), and channel my energy elsewhere. Although you could not believe this now, but God bless my husband, he simply was not a man that was driven or hung up on having children to complete our lives & marriage. Simply put, he was very content and I was not. I had pretty much given up trying to convince him to spend our money on the expensive procedure of IVF (In vitro Fertilization).....but I had not given up on praying. Then out of the clear blues I came home from work one day and he advised me that he had called and scheduled an appointment with our fertility specialist. I was honestly in shock. Just goes to prove that he really does listen to me... (albeit the hearing is This process started almost 15 months ago and you know the rest of the story.... so never give up because anything is possible. Regardless of the obstacles in your path - if it's meant to be it will be. All you need is a lot of faith, courage and perseverance and you can accomplish anything you set your mind to! Life is short... don't have regrets.... even cherish the embarrassing moments... they're priceless and make your story complete.

Some days I am still in awe and feel like I'm living a dream; then it hits me that this really is my life and it's wonderful beyond imagination. The other day Alexis & I ventured out to the grocery store and by the time I was on the paper towel isle tears flowed down my cheeks as I gazed at her. I had several people (including grown men) stopping me to catch a glimpse of her and comment on how little but beautiful she is. I know that may sound silly - but when you've gone through what we have it simply makes you appreciate every second... even the little compliments or the embarrassing moments.

Here's a little treat.... a picture from a month ago when we were in NICU still & the other one from yesterday. This little bear given to her by her cousin (AKA: Sissy, CJ) helps gage her growth.

"Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer" (Romans 12:12)


Ryan, Candye, Alexis (& Bridgette RIP 1/4/12)


  1. God knows all things and he does the impossible...She is a precious doll baby and everyone of us are elated for you and Ryan.....Although Bridgette is one of Gods little precious angels in heaven, God had those plans for her and he had plans for Alexis to be with mom and dad and we will all see her and all of our loved ones again very soon....Love, prayers and many blessings on this journey....


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