Surprise! It's been just over a month since my last blog update and here I am blogging again. Yay! I'm trying to get back to a routine with our family updates again.
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"Jesus Loves Me..." |
It's been quiet an emotional last 30 baby girl turned 2!, my dear friend lost her Mother to cancer, another friend/colleague lost her Father (unexpectedly), my Uncle had a major surgery; all within the last 45 days. To say it's been a whirl-wind of emotions is an understatement. I'm still not very good with funerals. I can barely make it through my days without crying from missing my Bridgette, let alone attend a funeral. And as soon as they play "
Amazing Grace" you can just count me done.
The one thing that gives me Hope and Peace about death is that we will see our loved ones again...and that they are no longer suffering.
"He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." (Revelation 21:4)
These last few weeks have definitely been an eye-opener for me and a reality check of sorts. Life doesn't stop for anyone, nor does death. It's not a matter of whether you're ready or not, it's the inevitable and it is going to happen. Life is a true circle and with every beginning there is an ending. I had a friend try and make me smile one day last week while I was recapping these last few weeks with her, and she said, "you come into this world in diapers and toothless, and if you're lucky you'll exit old in diapers and toothless too." You have to appreciate her sense of humor!
My sentiment about the circle of life is, we should never take a moment for granted and make the very best of every day, appreciate what the good Lord has blessed you with, and most importantly - make sure you're saved and ready to meet our Savior, because my friends "HEAVEN" is for real just as "HELL" is for real!
“Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.” (John 14:1-3, NKJV)
My heart aches for those that are suffering losses, but it should also be a reminder to appreciate those in your life that you truly love, not taking them for granted, and appreciating even the smallest things they do for you - because one day you will wake up and they will be gone. I'd rather live with a million apologies than one regret.
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"My Doodle-Bug..." |
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"My Mini-Me" |
Okay, now onto our personal family update...
WOW! That's the first thing that comes to mind. It is so amazing to see her grow and flourish. She is such an awesome blessing and brings such a joy to my heart & soul. Her laughter is infectious and her smile is contagious! She has such a sweet spirit about her and I would like to take credit for it, but I'm sure Ryan would argue she takes after him... oh and she does... her fuse is about the same length as her Daddy's... 1" long! (LOL) I swear this baby-girl can get so mad -- so quick! However, the good thing is, she's more like her Momma in the fact that she's doesn't stay mad for long. Life's too short....(remember? if not, reread above). :)
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"First flowers to Mommy..." |
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"Best-Friends..." |
You know those moments in life when something amazing happens and you wish you would have capture it in a picture so you could reflect back on it and think..."WOW! I'm so glad I have picture".... Well, that's me everyday... if you read my last blog, you'll notice I admitted to being "
one camera-happy momma" and I am and not ashamed of it at all; because look at these pictures...they're priceless!! I captured the very first flowers she personally picked for me. WOW! It just doesn't get any better than that! Captured quality time with her BFF, Molly the Beagle, and singing "Jesus Loves Me" with the dirtiest face ever.... you see, I can never re-create those moments in time; however, I can reflect back on these pictures and hopefully she will be able to look back on them when she's older and see just how happy she is and how happy she makes us.
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"Love our selfies..." |
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"Fish Faces..." |
I guess my point is, take pictures, and lots of them, laugh a lot, forgive quickly and always, don't hold grudges, ignore the little nuances in life and focus on the moments that create true lasting memories; because your next breath is not guaranteed, nor is that of your loved ones or special friends. My grandpa used to preach in his sermons, "
When you're born your clock is wound but once, and when it stops you cannot rewind it and no-one knows when that tick-tock will stop - except our Father in Heaven"...that's the truth and has always stuck with me throughout my whole life. I honestly believe that we need to enjoy life.... enjoy what you're blessed with and figure out what your gifts are - because each and everyone of us have a purpose...a God-given talent... When I get to Heaven I want to say I used
all He gave me! Now if I can just figure out what those talents/gifts are I could get started...LOL!
As always, I leave you with these scriptures to ponder...and remember that when life gets too hard to stand... kneel! There (on bended knees) is where all the answers are...
"I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.” (John 11:25) I am SO GLAD that our Lord has Risen and that the grave is empty! Praises be to His Name - He is Risen!! Because of that - everything else is minor in comparison. Easter is one of my favorite holidays...and it's because of the reminder it serves... NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!
Until next time...please continue to keep us in your prayers and know that we sincerely appreciate the overwhelming requests to read our blog... I promise I'm going to get that book finished... :)
Forever Blessings,
Finally a Mother to an Earthly Angel....
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