From the heart...
Today's Tip: The Apostle Paul names peace as one of the fruits of the Spirit; it is one of the signs that a child of God is living close to him. But no child of God is immune to the stresses and dangers of daily life. In the 21st century, our sense of peace is constantly challenged by bad news: warring nations, wild-eyed terrorists and mind-numbing natural disasters are piped straight to our homes via TV and the Internet. The 24-hour news cycle and the inevitable calamities of life all tempt us to forget that God is with us, that he loves us, and that he wants us to experience his peace. But the still, small voice is still there, still gently insistent: the fruit of the Spirit is…peace. We just have to be quiet long enough to hear and feel it!
Today's Humor: You know you're tired when the alarm goes off and you answer your phone!
Today's Scripture: We enter into peace when we accept this invitation: “Come near to God and he will come near to you.” -James 4:8
Good morning peeps... You know what time it is - it's GO! time! Time to show the world just how AWESOME you are! Have a Fabulous Friday! Make memories and make today count!
Have a Blessed day!
Have a Blessed day!
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