Not Goodbye....Just 'See Ya Later!'

It was a very, very sad but joyful day. Nothing can fill the void of saying my final "see ya laters" to my amazing Papa; but knowing he's in eternity with Jesus, with no more bone cancer & pain, certainly makes it a much different celebration. So many came out to celebrate with us and I know my Papa would have been so very proud of the service today. Just proved how many lives my Papa and Granny have touched throughout their 68 years of marriage. I can only hope and pray to touch and make such a positive impact on the lives of others as my Papa did.

Please keep my sweet and precious Granny in your prayers - dementia is an evil disease that causes her to relive the death over and over. Pray for strength as my Mom and her brothers and sisters have to pick up the pieces and help my granny the most and yet still grieve the loss of their daddy. 💔

#GoneButNeverForgotten  #PapasCountryGirl

"G18 Mommy"


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