How To Achieve Your Dreams....

Good morning my sweet and faithful blogger fans! Time to rise and shine!! 

When you woke and opened your eyes this morning that gave you the beginning of your reasons to sing praises to Him, for His mercies and graces are wonderful! 

I'm am utterly exhausted as I've had about 3.5 hours of sleep, but it was so worth it! I had the privilege to attend a training last night that I needed more than you can imagine. 

As I was driving (6 hours round trip) I spent a lot of time in prayer. I want to remind you that when you're tested - give thanks! When your plan fails - give thanks! When your idea bubble pops above your head - give thanks! When your finances go a bust - give thanks! It may sound crazy, but this is when your Faith is growing. This is also when new opportunities grow and become new dreams! Learn not to settle. 

When you have a dream just know that God has planted those seeds on the inside and He will bring those dreams to fruition if you will just trust Him. Don't lose your Faith. You do your part and trust Him that He'll do His part. Just remember, you can't expect Him to bless you abundantly if you're going to accept mediocrity. You have to set yourself up expecting more and not settling for less, which in turn means you have to get off of your duff and take a leap of faith too! No one ever made it to the top by sitting on their bottoms! 

"My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience." (‭‭James‬ ‭1:2-3‬)

Today is a new beginning, a second chance! The world is waiting for the AWESOME side of you! GO! Enjoy this beautiful day the Lord has given and know that you are wonderfully, fearfully and beautifully made in His image!! Have a  wonderfully blessed day!! 

Remember, as I've written before, if you take nothing else away from my blog - I pray you will never forget that you are "wonderfully and fearfully made" (Psalm 139:14). Never forget that you are the son or daughter of the almighty King of Kings and that you do not have to "BE" what the world expects you to be, but you do have to be what makes you happy! Do something kind today, be nice to others, and respect those you interact with. Strive to make a difference in others lives, but more importantly make a difference in your own life. Life is messy...thank God for Bounty paper towels, Grace & Mercy!

"Pretty words aren't always true...and true words aren't always pretty, but when the truth is spoken, it's always beautiful!"

"And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." (John 8:32)

Make memories and make today count for today will never come again. GO! Be the awesome person God designed you to be! Have a blessed day! 

"G18 Mommy"

"...the battle is the Lord's" (I Samuel 17:47)


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