Investing In You...

Good morning! 

Time to rise & shine! I think it's a double-shot of coffee kind of morning! 

Quick tip: There are 4 things you cannot recover in life: the stone after it's thrown, the word after it's said, the occasion after it's missed and the time after it's gone. 

Knowing this, let's strive to make the most of today. To invest in ourselves, starting with growing and developing our relationship with Christ. 

Remember, if God woke you, He's not finished with your story yet! 

The common denominator to the most meaningful relationships we have is the time we have invested in them. The Bible speaks of friends interacting as "iron sharpening iron," and God is spoken of as a friend that is closer than a brother. In order to develop a relationship, there must be a willingness to commit our time. 

Having a quiet time is much more than checking something off your spiritual "to do" list. It is growing an intimate and personal relationship with the God who created us. 

We must trust that He loves us and has chosen us to follow Him and become like Him. But there's another critical reason why we must take seriously a time set apart to meditate on the Scriptures and to pray. 

Investing in quality time with God is instrumental and the first step in investing in ourselves. It is critical in ensuring we never get stagnant and lose focus of our purpose. 

I pray you have an amazingly blessed day! Never forget "you're worth it."

Have a blessed day! 

"...the battle is the Lord's" (I Samuel 17:47)


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