Make Memories, Not Deadlines...

These last few days my little family took time away from the hustle and bustle of life's busy day to day life and we made memories! 

We drove almost six hours away in hopes of experiencing the Solar Eclipse. 

What's funny is that although we tried to escape the life of deadlines, the reality is, even if you try you can't. 

Today alone we had many deadlines to meet in order to not miss the whole purpose behind our trip. 

In order to not miss out on the fresh made omelettes at the hotel we had to be in the hotel cafe by a certain time. We actually missed the cutoff time, but my husband must have looked hungry and disappointed, because they made him one despite the kitchen being closed. #Grace

We had to stop along the way so my hubby could pick up cool parts for his old truck. How ironic that the place was less than 5 miles from our hotel, and on the way. #Favor

We had to be at our destination by a certain time to get the best parking. This meant we had to leave at a certain time to try and avoid the traffic. We found an alternate route to avoid the backed up traffic jam. #Blessed 

The point is, no matter how hard you try, life is full of deadlines, obstacles, and diversions that you have to learn to navigate through if you plan on getting to your final destination. #Purpose

The key is, even when you have deadlines, you can still make amazing memories. You have to change your mindset. You have to learn to see things through a different set of lenses in order to find all of the #Grace, #Favor, #Blessings and #Purpose of your journey. 

We laughed! We got frustrated with the traffic. We got stalled along the way - but we never lost sight of our final destination! We made it work! We kept going! 

At the end, we looked back and realized that because of God's amazing grace, favor, blessings and purpose, we got to experience something magnificent He created today. 

I hope you all will take a moment to reflect on your life. Are you setting aside time to make memories? Do you have your eyes on a final destination? If not, find your purpose (destination), devise a plan, and stick with it! But, take time along the way to enjoy the blessings God is affording you! 

I often have too pinch myself and thank God for all the many blessings He's bestowed upon me and my little family. Every day presents it's own set of challenges, but we work through them and we stick together. That's what families do. 

"Out of his fullness we have all received grace in place of grace already given."‭‭ (John‬ ‭1:16‬)

Have a wonderfully blessed evening! 

"G18 Mommy"

"...the battle is the Lord's" (I Samuel 17:47)


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