The Son...

Borrowed, and so so good!

There is so much excitement and anticipation around the eclipse coming up on Today, Monday August 21 st. I mean, what's not to love! The moon blocking out the sun and darkness in the middle of the afternoon! It's a phenomena that the whole country is anticipating (and hoping to have the right glasses to view).

But could I tell you about another day that the sun was darkened and refused to shine? It was the darkest day in history 2000 years ago when the Son of Man was hanging on a cross. The scripture gives this account in Mark 15:33-34: "At noon, darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon. And at three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, "Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?" (which means "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"

The sun was darkened for three hours as the Father turned away from the Son. For the first time in all of eternity there was a separation of the Father and the Son. Our finite minds can't comprehend such love for us that God would sacrifice His Son. And why would the Son willingly give His life for the sins of the whole world? It's beyond our human comprehension.

Darkness in the middle of the day. Creation mourning the killing and death of the Lord of Creation. But praise God it didn't end there...not in darkness! The darkest day in history was turned into a glorious daylight as the Son arose on the third day! Salvation was complete.

The eclipse today will be an amazing event. Amazing, but not life changing. I pray that it is a reminder of that day so long ago when love eclipsed darkness and salvation became a reality for each and every person on the planet. That is life changing, but only if you receive it.

I hope you are careful on Monday as you look at the sun, but I pray that you are always careful to look AT The Son!

"Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in His wonderful face. And the things of earth will grow strangely dim. In the light of His glory and grace."


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