He Is Able!

#TGIF! Today (and everyday) God Is First! 

For some of us, it's been a long week! There's no shame in admitting you have trials and tribulations. But just remember, no matter how much you don't understand life as it is right now; no matter how uncomfortable it may seem or how hard it gets, don't give up. If God is with you – the same God who spoke life into you, the same God who IS and knows the beginning and the end, the same God who knew you before the foundation of this world - is with you, then ask yourself who or WHAT can stand against you? 

Don't lose faith. This too shall pass. 

Just as much as I celebrate the beginning of a new week, sometimes I celebrate the ending more. 

Have an amazingly blessed day! You're worth it! #WakePraySlay #Ephesians3:20

In Christ, 

"...the battle is the Lord's" (I Samuel 17:47)


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