Ready For A Change?

There are certain moments in your life that will define your destiny. 

Will you be like Esther 4:16? This is a crossroads we must all face. Would Esther respond to the call of God to do something significant in history? 

This was a time when she had to make the decision to follow the purpose of God or cower in fear. The choice she would make would affect not only her life but also the lives of many others. 

Some of you are at that same crossroad. You must choose. You cannot just sit idly by and "hope for the best." You must really look at what is stopping you from making that move, or taking that first step. Then know that if it is ordained by God the Bible tells us that all things ordained by Him will bring good and fruitful results. Remember, what God ordains, He sustains. (Ephesians 1:11)

Never let fear of the unknown stop you from being all God designed you to be. He created you to be the head and not the tail. (Deuteronomy 28:13) 

My prayer: "Lord, let us all arise and be radiant with the glory of the Lord. Let your light shine through me. I want to be a beaming lighthouse of hope for so many that sit in gross darkness doubting their self-worth and existence. I pray for words of wisdom that will guide and influence many. I won't let past failures and disappointments keep me silent. I will live in expectations and not be a victim to my circumstances. I thank you in advance for all you have done and all that you are going to do. In Jesus Name,  Amen!"

Now GO! Be that awesome person God designed you to be and live out your abundant life, with FULL expectations today, trusting and believing and claiming it done in Jesus Name! 


"...the battle is the Lord's" (I Samuel 17:47)


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