Fear is Not From God — How To Overcome Your Fear
Fear can have a tight hold on us, and it can keep us from really experiencing all that God has in store for us.
I want you to really understand that fear is not from God, but you should have a reverent fear of the Lord in the sense that you are in awe of him. There is also the fear that makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up. That kind of fear is a warning, telling you to avoid danger. That's not what I am talking about.
The kind of fear I am talking about is fear the enemy sends our way. Once we let that kind of fear take root, it can become the default mode in which we operate. My fears have caused me to parent from a place of fear more than once, miss out on keen opportunities in my career; and most recently, the disruption in a calling on my life from the Lord. That is scary! With God, I have been working to overcome these — and you can overcome your fears too.
Fear is one of THE MOST powerful weapons the enemy tries to use against us, but with faith we can overcome fear.
When you raise your shield of faith, you can extinguish the flaming arrows the enemy sends your way. There may be times when you feel you need help holding up your shield of faith. If you find yourself in a place where you feel too worn out to fight, you can ask others to pray with you and for you. Don't ever think you are weak because you ask for prayer. It has taken a lot for me to learn this; and, honestly, I still struggle with it from time to time. However, calling in reinforcements that can raise their shields of faith around you is a strategic move. A good soldier never goes into battle alone, and you don't have to either. When the arrows come flying at you, raise your shield and call in reinforcements. Stand STRONG with your feet FIRMLY planted on the Word of God, and you will extinguish the flaming arrows of the enemy.
Today my prayer for you is taken from Deuteronomy 31:6. Just as Moses was turning over the reigns to Joshua as the new leader, He encouraged him and the people. Don't you think Joshua was scared and fearful? I'm sure I would have been. But just as Moses told him to "be strong and of good courage," I encourage you also.
My Prayer: Lord, your Word tells us to be strong and of good courage. I need you to give me that strength and courage. I need you to give the person reading this that courage and strength . I no longer want to be afraid, and Lord, I believe you are the one who goes with me. I believe you will not leave me or forsake me. I give you my fear, Lord, because with you, I do not need to fear. Thank you, God, for being here for me always. Amen.
Don't let your fears stop you. There is so much more God has in store for you, waiting just on the other side of your fears. Go open the door and get what He's designed just for you.
Today's challenge.... Be a blessing! It's so much better to give than to receive.
"...the battle is the Lord's" (I Samuel 17:47)
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