Prayers Count!

Why should we pray? 

God already knows our hearts. He already knows our desires. So why pray? We could easily say it is because the Bible commands it. Paul goes as far as to say, "Pray without ceasing" (1 Thess. 5:17)—that is reason enough. 

But let's explore a few other reasons for why we should pray.

We pray because we love.

We pray out of gratitude.

We pray because we want to know God more fully.

We pray to know our own hearts more fully.

We pray to be conformed to His Image.

We pray to acknowledge our dependence upon Him.

We pray to receive from Him.

We pray because God chooses to use means.

We pray that God might receive glory.

Prayer is a gift from a heavenly Father, who loves to hear from His children. There are countless reasons to pray. Let's be a people of prayer. Never will one minute in prayer closets be a minute wasted or later regretted.

I prayed this morning that each person reading this would receive abundant blessings! 

GO! Be the amazing person God designed you to be!! Have a wonderful day! 




"...the battle is the Lord's" (I Samuel 17:47)


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