What Are You Plugged Into?

In this age of technology, I find myself having to make room in my carry-on bag, purse or my luggage for all my chargers. I have two phone chargers: one for the car and one for the wall outlet. My computer and charger take up space, but how could I even think of traveling without them? 

My family was in for the weekend and I got to thinking about the number of chargers they each carried on the trip. Then I thought about the number of chargers my little family of 3 carries on each trip we take. It got me to thinking about how much importance we put on being "plugged in" and "fully charged" when it comes to our electronics. 

Heaven forbid we should let our batteries die. Thankfully, all the devices have a warning on them to tell us we are running on empty. I plug each device in each night before I go to bed so they are fully charged and ready to go in the morning. 

Wouldn't it be great if people made it as much of a priority to recharge their souls—by plugging into God's Word, prayer, and church—as they do to recharge their electronics? 

Often, we go through our days looking like we have it together on the outside, yet on the inside we are running on empty. It is as if our souls are flashing the red warning light, trying to tell us that we are running on empty but we neglect to find our chargers until something major happens (and our device shuts down). I wish I could understand why we are so quick to keep all our devices charged while we move through life on empty. Just opening a Bible, plugging into God, is a surefire way to recharge us. 

Just as we have to rely on our chargers to keep our favorite electronic gadgets running, we need to be relying on God, his Word, and Prayer to keep our souls fully charged. 

What are you plugging into? Is it really working for you, or are you just going through the motions, the bare minimum, so you don't completely shut down? Are you running on empty while your phone is fully charged? 

Today, I challenge you to stop and make some time to plug into God with prayer and spend some time in your Bible. Then, find time to pray. As with the other days, I am giving you a scripture to look at but I want you to pray your own words today, not mine. Let your time with God recharge you. Turn on some praise and worship music and give God praise. After-all, if you're reading this, clearly He's not finished with you yet. Get yourself recharged like you make it a point to charge your phone. Make it a point to recharge yourself daily by plugging into God.

"He gives power to the weak, And to those who have no might He increases strength." (Isaiah‬ ‭40:29‬)

Have an amazingly blessed day & stay warm! 



"...the battle is the Lord's" (I Samuel 17:47)


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