Friday Faith
This morning I pondered the potential list of gifts from God I never received. Was my faith not big enough to ask? Is my faith not big enough to ask or receive?
And so I ask this morning: Lord, increase my faith.
Now I want you to really think about this also. What if all we received was based solely on our faith? Would your basket be empty or full? That's something to really think about.
Remember, there is no pit so deep, that God's love is not deeper still. He created you in His image. He created you to live life abundantly, so don't waste it on worry or fear. Take heart. Your faith contains more power than you have ever dreamed because greater is he who lives in you than he who lives in the world.
Stand steadfast in your faith and receive all he has in store for you. You. Are. Worth It!
#FridayFaith #WakePraySlay
"...the battle is the Lord's" (I Samuel 17:47)
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