Thankful Thursday
Good morning! Time to rise and shine and give God praise for He is worthy! It's one of my favorite days of the week...Thankful Thursday! What are you thankful for?
We all live by rules in everyday life - but, have you ever thought of imposing your own life rules, or better yet, your personal "Life Handbook?" Rules are essential to keeping chaos down, but admit it, we all either know a few rule breakers or we've broken a rule or two ourselves. Don't be discouraged - we're all human! The kicker is to learn from your mistakes! Of course the goal should be not to repeat them! Update your "Life Handbook" to implement rules that will keep you in check, help put in safeguards that will keep you from making those same mistakes again. More importantly, stop beating yourself up. Only those not trying and not living aren't making mistakes! I hope today you'll live a little, be bold, and take a chance & then forgive yourself when you make a mistake; update your Life Handbook and move on! No one ever reached their dreams by sitting idle!
Today's Humor: Definition of 'Depresso:' Sad when I don't get my morning coffee 😁
Today's Scripture: "But you, be strong and do not let your hands be weak, for your work shall be rewarded!" (II Chronicles 15:7)
You know what to do....GO! Spread some joy today and know that you are amazingly talented and beautiful and today's the day for you to Shine!! Have a blessed day!
#WakePraySlay #ThankfulThursday
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