Bent - But Not Broken!

Well, it's been a while since I've blogged. Guess you can say the Lord is using some serious life events to bring me back to the keyboard. I've found myself lazy over the last few months, using the "I'm too busy" excuse. 

The week did not start or end the way I prayed, hoped, or planned. But I'm thankful all the same! Let me replay at a high level for you. Warning: pictures below are graphic!! 

Roll back to last Sunday when we were notified that our Black 79 Scottsdale Chevy pickup had been the black truck stolen and was involved in the shooting of Deputy Kunze. Even though we did not know him personally our hearts were broken and heavy for the loss of a a father, husband, a true hero. 

All week our hearts were so heavy and we simply couldn't wrap our minds around how anyone could take the life of another. 

Fast forward to yesterday, mid-morning. I received a call from the school that my precious baby had an accident on the playground and would "likely" need stitches. 

I cannot tell you how hard it was to keep my head about me and drive that long 45 minute drive from Wichita to Garden Plain to pick her up. 

When I walked in her little head was gashed open! I mean gashed! I felt my heart sink to my knees! I knew I had to be strong for her and so here came the fake smile and as she wrapped her arms around my neck and I carried her to the suburban, I prayed silently for God to "give me strength like I've never known. Oh, and p.s., please let them be able to use glue." I knew stitches were going to be so painful. 

As the doctor looked at her, he looked up at me and said, "I think she will only need 5 or 6 stitches."  I prayed, "God, give us BOTH strength!" Then the screaming commenced! 

As I watched her sleep last night, I finally just broke down and cried. BEING A MOM IS HARD! It's more exhausting, yet extremely rewarding, than anything else in life. 

But, I found myself not crying for our loss, but for our lives, and thanking God that all three of us were still alive. Circumstances could have turned out so different this week, beginning with last Sunday. It was the grace of God that my husband wasn't working on his truck when the man stole it. And, yesterday, well, I can't ever write out the worst that could have happened! But it was by the grace of God that I decided not to attend the funeral. I would have missed the schools call because my phone would have been on silence.

In the end, I continue to praise God for watching over my little family and I will continue to add prayers for Deputy Kunze's Family. 

I prayed so hard that she would sleep well and wake with no pain! And, this morning she woke and said, "I slept better than any other night, Mommy!" (Music to my ears) 

I'll leave you with one of my favorite sayings, "You may be bent but you are not broken." Let me repeat that. You may be bent but you are NOT broken. Whatever you are going through, just remember you must keep going. One day this test will turn into a testimony!! 

Whatever circumstance you may face today, whatever burden you may carry -- never forget that our Lord goes before you and you are never alone. My prayer this morning is that you remember that if you let Christ dwell in you so shall He put a song of praise on your lips and joy in your heart that will set your day up for success if you will just trust in Him. 

"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord." (Colossians 3:16)

Have a blessed day & love those around you, because you never know when they will be gone! 

"...the battle is the Lord's" (I Samuel 17:47)


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