Life Is A Beautiful Journey 🚲

In my 40+ years of life I can tell you this: 

1) Everyone comes into your life for a reason. Maybe only for a season - but there is a purpose. 

2) Until you learn to love who God designed you to be - you can never truly love anyone else whole heartedly. You end up loving with expectations that will surely cause you to be let down. 

3) Repeat 2 for Forgiving Yourself! We are all human and make mistakes. 

4) As for church - remember this - church is not the 4 walls in which you attend. It's the heart in which you ask and allow Jesus to reside daily. Church is where I go because I too am broken. I am a sinner that is saved by Grace and need God's love, mercy and forgiveness, and spiritual guidance every second of every day! You could say it's my "well" in which I get my water to live on weekly. But there's a misperception about 'attending church;' which is a whole separate blog! 

Today, I want to encourage you to love those in your life. Appreciate the season you are in. You are in it for a specific purpose. Let God use you and allow Him to work through you during this time. Enjoy your journey! 

When God was preparing Esther's journey to greatness and influence, it did not happen overnight. She did not just arrive in 'that place' one day and say to the King, "Wahala! Here I am! Ready or not!" No, she endured a process. It consisted of a beautiful process that would take months before she could be in the presence of the King. (Esther 2:12 AMP)

Whatever "process" you find yourself in today, don't try to rush through it. Learn from it. Often God takes us through valleys so we can truly enjoy the view at the top. God cannot use a proud woman (or man). Being taken through a preparation process presses and purged out impurities. Maybe they're not in you, but in those He is purging out of your life. 

We cannot be a vessel for God to use us if it's full of junk. 

Enjoy your journey. This is the "dash" (in the middle) that will make the beginning and ending have purpose and meaning. 

My prayer for you today is that you will open your heart and mind and let God use you in the way that will make this world a better, brighter place and that will glorify and magnify Him. 

The world is waiting for the awesome side of you! GO! Enjoy this beautiful day the Lord has given and know that you are wonderfully and beautifully made in His image!! 

Remember, as I've written before, if you take nothing else away from my blog - I pray you will never forget that you are "wonderfully and fearfully made" (Psalm 139:14). Never forget that you are the son or daughter of the almighty King of Kings and that you do not have to "BE" what the world expects you to be, but you do have to be what makes you happy! Do something kind today, be nice to others, and respect those you interact with. Strive to make a difference in others lives, but more importantly make a difference in your own life. Life is messy...thank God for Bounty paper towels, Grace & Mercy!

 "Pretty words aren't always true...and true words aren't always pretty, but when the truth is spoken, it's always beautiful!"

Make memories and make today count for today will never come again. GO! Be the awesome person God designed you to be! Have a blessed day! 

"G18 Mommy"

"...the battle is the Lord's" (I Samuel 17:47)

If you agree please post a comment, like, or need to keep this to yourself - others need to read it to! 🤗😘

"...the battle is the Lord's" (I Samuel 17:47)


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