Keep Going

Loved my morning devotion! So many times I think we're all guilty of giving up on our prayers when we feel like we're not getting an answer--and especially when it's not the answer we want. 

This time 8 years ago, we received the news that our sweet Bridgette had passed away. There is no way to explain the grief and pain. Little did I know it wasn't the end, even though it felt like it. My point is, I urge you to never give up! Persistently continue to seek God and His will. 

The power of persistent prayers is incredible. When you feel like you're down to nothing, never forget, God is up to something BIG! There's a strength that rises up in you as you continuously seek God's answer to your prayers. Rest assured that He will always answer: through fulfillment of your prayer, a firm "no," or by guiding your heart in a different direction, causing you to no longer seek the answer to that prayer, but you have to obey him. Remember, we don't know what's best, He does! Trust Him! Have Faith! 

Have an outstanding day! #WakePraySlay
#Luke11:10🙏🏻📖 #G18Mommy🥰

Candye Daughhetee
Independent Consultant, Rodan+Fields
316-393-0893 - Cell
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"...the battle is the Lord's" (I Samuel 17:47)


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