Small Business Tips
I quickly realized that I have a VERY good support system around me. I am surrounded by wonderful family and friends and I rely heavily on social media and apps to run my second business, Rodan + Fields. So, I thought I would take the time to share a few small business tips with you this morning before my daughter wakes up. That's tip #1.
#3 I rely heavily on social media and apps. I have this amazing app that Sarah Rocking Robbins suggested, "Buffer." It's simply amazing. I can load things on the weekend (in my spare and there are schedules I can set for all of my social media sites, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+ Page. I had to upgrade to the purchased app because the simple starter one would not allow me to sync more than 1 or 2 social media pages...and with my side business, Rodan + Fields, I need as much exposure on social media as possible (or at least what's recommended). Clearly I cannot be available to post things at the recommended highlight times for social media due to my primary job as an executive - therefore I have to get creative!
#5 Last (for this blog) - but certainly the most important... Never forget that you're important too. You MUST find quiet time to think if you're ever going to make changes in the lives of others, you have to start with your own.
If you're struggling with how to start your own side business, or you initial start-up, find quiet time, find the resources of others who can help you -- there are brilliant people all around you...use them. But never forget to repay them for their help...taking advantage of others may get you to the top but you certainly won't stay there long and the fall will hurt! Be respectful, courteous, and never forget to say 'please' and 'thank you'! Check never know what I'll write on next...
Have a blessed day!
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